Community Guidelines.

Community Guidelines

Vrumble is about communicating with friends and family, getting goofy, learning about our existence, and playing together. Our goal in creating these Guidelines is to accommodate the broadest range of self-expression, while balancing the need for Vrumblers to be able to use our services safely and enjoyably.

Here are some important guidelines for using Vrumble:

Adult Content

  • We prohibit accounts that promote or distribute pornographic content

  • Breastfeeding and other depictions of nudity in non-sexual contexts are okay

Nudity or Sexually Suggestive Content Involving Minors

  • Never stream or video record nude or sexual content involving people under the age of 18 — even of yourself

  • This includes adding comments or captions to a video to make it sexual, even as a joke

Illegal Content

  • Don’t use Vrumble for any illegal shenanigans

Invasions of Privacy

  • Don't record video of people in private spaces, like someone’s home, a bathroom, dressing room, or locker room, without their knowledge and consent

  • If someone is in your video or live stream and asks to be removed, please remove them.

Threats & Violence

  • Never threaten to harm a person, group of people, or property

  • Don't stream or share videos of gratuitous violence

Harassment & Bullying

  • We don’t tolerate bullying or harassment on Vrumble

  • Don’t interact with Vrumble users with the intention of making someone feel bad. If someone blocks you, it’s not okay to contact them from another account


  • Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not — including your friends, celebrities, brands, or other organizations

Hate Speech

  • Don't record or stream content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or veteran status


  • We prohibit content that promotes terrorism


  • We have zero tolerance for spam

If you violate these Guidelines, we may remove the offending content, terminate your account, or notify law enforcement. If your account is terminated for violating our Terms of Service or these Guidelines, you may not use Vrumble again. Please take these Guidelines seriously and honor them in the spirit in which they are intended. We will do our best to enforce them consistently and fairly, and ultimately we’ll try to do what we think is best in each situation.