Features Overview
The Vrumble SDK allows you to integrate its badass video chat/gaming/livestreaming functionalities into your iOS gaming app. From documentation to integration, the Vrumble.io API (or is it SDK?) is straightforward and simple to implement.
Give your players a new multi player, video chat, livestream mobile gaming experience and access to the entire Vrumble App Ecosystem!
Take control of how and where video chat windows display within your game, UI, to who gets to livestream.
Vrumble.io collects and brings to life real-time data, including:
video chat quality
User location
Network performance
Device type
live stream quality and performance
Key Features include in Vrumble SDK
· Login Kit (for Profile Creation)
· Live Stream Kit (so their gameplay/chats will livestream to Vrumble… aka redirects to vrumble)
· Video Chat Placement Kit (choose where you want friend's faces to appear in your game)
· Room Picker
· Friend Picker
· Optional Messages from Vrumble Community (redirects to Vrumble for message reading and sending)