Host a Crowd Quiz Game!

Your questions. Your answers. You run the show.

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Do you want to HOST a CROWD QUIZ Game?

If so please sign up below and subscribe. For $50 month trial and $125/month after that to become a Crowd Quiz Host you can:

  • Video host 1 game per day with a max of 100 players in your game per day(this can be increased…).
    Create your own Question Packs and Trivia Events (public or password protected)
    Provide you own URL linked prizes (this could be anything that follows our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines)

  • Text Chat with your players!

Subscribe here with PayPal for $50 month trial and $99/month after that and GET HOSTIN’ !


Please write to us if you have any questions and we will get back to you, thanks!

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HCMC Vietnam, 700000